Patient Engagement Partnerships in Clinical Trials (PEP-CT)

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Patient Engagement Partnerships in Clinical Trials (PEP-CT): Systematic Development and Testing of Patient Partner and Investigator Decision Aids
This study aims to refine and test two decision aids designed to 1) assist patients to weigh their own potential benefits and risks of engaging as patient partners in research, and 2) assist investigators to weigh the potential benefits and risks of engaging patient partners in research.
Who can take part?

Research investigators and people with lived experience as a patient are invited to take part.
What’s involved?

You will be asked to use the PEP-CT Patient Partner Decision Aid or Investigator Decision Aid and provide feedback on its usability and design.
Find out more!
For more information and to participate in this study, please email the Project Coordinator, Arland O’Hara, at