Recruitment has ended ~ Thank you to all those who took part!
The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of our self-management WebApp designed to improve the health and well-being of women with heart disease. The web app is called at heart.
Who can take part?

English-speaking women in Canada over 18 years of age living with the pain/symptoms/discomfort of heart disease are invited to participate.
What’s involved?

- a 10-20 minute pre-screen telephone interview,
- Half of the women will be assigned to a usual care group and half will be asked to use the self-management at heart WebApp for 3 months,
- All women will continue with their regular medical care,
- Women will complete a survey at the start of the study and another at the end of the 3 months,
- All participants will receive a $25 gift card at the end of the study
If you don’t have a device or an adequate internet connection, we can help with that!
Find out more
Send an email to women.atheart@utoronto.ca. Or call 1-888-566-2515 (Free call anywhere in Canada)